Category / 聲音記事 Sound Note

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  • 月照無眠詩聲雜誌 FULLMOON Poetry Sound Magazine

    Collaborating with a musician Hsieh Chieh-ting in several poetry sounds: “Moon River”, “Ta Sha Xing”, “The Night was Long, the Night was Cold”, “Fog Land”. This project is created by a writer Tong…

  • Mayasvi 戰祭

    Mayasvi is one of the most important rituals of Tsou people, indigenous people in Alishan, Taiwan. People in the tribe dance and sing overnights for three or more days. In the past,…

  • The Wedding Song

    2011年,屏東涼山部落,北排灣的婚禮哭歌 The first time when I heard this song, I was fully indulged. I was amazed by an emotion of those old singers who married in long time ago, but still have…

  • Songs from the Paiwan

    2010年,台東大鳥部落,東排灣之歌 歌者 Singers:台東大鳥部落族人 People of Pacavali Tribe 錄音 Recording:Yenting Hsu 剪輯 Editing:Yenting Hsu、Arnaud Forest 特別感謝 Special thanks to:Sedjam Lin 林志祥 Click on the picture and Listen here:

  • Timeless Rain

    “Time is running with rain and river. Time is stuck with rain and river as well.” Whilst recording the ritual of Tsou (Aborigine in Taiwan), Yen-Ting Hsu and her collaborator Yannick Dauby…